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One Good Reason to Sign-up Now

All types of trusted businesses, experts, contractors, general help, importers, event operators and commercial and private renters list on Localshopping. They use our trust-rating platform to increase sales and grow their brand(s).

Lowest Fees

Starter Plan commission fee is just 10% or only 5% for Premium and due only when a sale is confirmed, paid and completed. Otherwise, pay a standard referral fee for reservations made. Localshopping is your most cost effective marketplace.

Communication is Easy

Localshopping makes it easy to process inquiries and requests from shoppers. Screen buyer's prior to committing to a service or booking. Use the integrated messaging to review, chat and approve services, rates and dates (if required) beforehand.

Premium Features

Get unlimited listings, booking tools for events/venues or rentals, synchronized appointment scheduling (if required), priority search results, email campaigns, IT expertise and VIP support. Forget Google and use Localshopping for your all-in-one pro marketing solution.

You're in Control

You alone set the availability, price, and terms for your goods and services. We also offer premium marketing packages to boost your visibility and increase your sales. Offer additional services such as quotations, evaluations, inspections, appraisals, training, referrals, etc.

We Care

Localshopping provides support to both buyers and sellers. Reach out to us any time using online chat, email or phone. Ask about our premium marketing programs to increase your customer base even more. Sign-up now to reach out to millions of qualified local shoppers today.

Eliminate your local marketing challenges with a flexible, low-cost all-in-one marketplace.

  • Local Market Focus

    With classified ad sites and marketplaces like Amazon and Ebay we can guide you on how to navigate and utilize them for your needs. In contrast, with Localshopping you greatly increase your exposure within your target market with the first locally branded listing and marketplace solution. Locate businesses and private suppliers - all in one app.

  • Unbeatable Experienced Support Team

    Convenience of a single trusted source shopping platform saves buyers time and inconvenience. If can't locate it on Localshopping don't fret since we will source what you seek - for you. Just click "Get Help" located in our top menu or chat ditectly with us online with a click on the lower right chat buttton. Call or email us at Eiher way, we're here to help.

  • Consistency for Success

    Let us show you how to maintain and fine tune a sound marketing plan implemented week in and week out that will expand your business and business opportunities faster with each year. We invite you to grow with us leaving those that choose not to join behind a.k.a. your competiton.

  • Vendor-centric Solution

    Localshopping was designed from the ground up as a turn-key online marketing solution for sellers. Using the latest in e-commerce technology and asembling a team of seasoned business operators with the brightest digital marketing talent we are able to hone your marketing requirements more accurately and cost effectively.

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